RE: Patented Technology enabling Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), Machine Learning (ML within the Internet of Things (“IoT”), Edge Computing & 5G/6G communications.

In the very near future billions of machines and objects will be connecting to the internet for the first time accessing data points and challenging an architecture that was designed for static centralized cloud based networks for the past decade. As a result, companies are putting more and more computing resources at the edge of the network, sensors, factory machines, and for that matter almost everything shortly will be at the edge. The technology is based upon how biological networks communicate, solve problems and learn from each other in real time. Large sets of data or collection or analysis is NOT necessary with this technology
This patented intellectual architecture includes: distributed processing, heterogeneous processing, swarm based intelligence, and multi-agent artificial intelligence using digital pheromones with patented unsupervised reinforcement learning systems.
The company provides advancement in the area of distributed artificial intelligence with a clear focus on edge based collective awareness with updated improvements. Some applications are edge based devices /systems for distributed computing for IoT, 4G, 5G, 6G, autonomous systems, and battlefield communications.
Michael Dell underscored this market opportunity an interview with the Wall Street Journal. “We think edge computing could be 100 times bigger than the internet as we know it today,” he told the Journal. “That may sound crazy right now but give it a few years and I think that will be more understood. Dell Technologies is leading the way for our customers with a new distributed computing architecture that brings IoT and artificial intelligence together in one, interdependent ecosystem from the edge to the core to the cloud,” the founding CEO said. “The implications for our global society will be nothing short of profound.” Michael Dell
SWARM-EDGE™ a multi-functional technology whose objectives are to automate tasks, increase automation capability by providing AI/ML based reinforcement unsupervised learning designs with edge based computing for inter-connectivity and capability to share information among network edged devices. The data is streamed to an edge device near an edge device where Bluetronix AI based machine-learning algorithms detect anomalies. If the patented algorithms detect that a component is about to fail, it will trigger a notification to be sent locally circumventing the cloud to a maintenance worker instantaneously in real time so the problem is fixed days before an actual failure occurs. This cannot be done quickly or accurately today.
The company has invented, demonstrated and holds the patents for under past DARPA and other DOD/ Gov. contracts has invented, demonstrated, and holds the patents and algorithms, software, and hardware for AI for IoT, machine learning and edge computing designed by emulating nature’s dynamic biological systems. The company provides advancement in the area of distributed artificial intelligence with a clear focus on edge based collective awareness with updated improvements in IoT environments. Some applications are edge based devices /systems for distributed computing for IoT, 4G, 5G, 6G, autonomous systems, telemedicine, sensors, and battlefield applications.
This patented platform architectures allows for dynamic intelligence/learning for uninterrupted distributed processing and enables vendor-agnostic heterogeneous processing by means of using proactive, dynamic configurable, skill-aware, autonomous digital agents that can learn, share, respond, predict and self-configure. The architecture harnesses processing power, enables multi-agent artificial intelligence, facilitates dispersed distributed computing, provides intent-based automation at scale.
This patented architecture enables the machine learning and edge computing combined in one software package. These capabilities are essential for dynamic situations where a system needs to learn, adjust, self-heal, share, and provide intelligence at the edge of the network. The patented intellectual architecture includes: distributed processing, heterogeneous processing, machine learning based intelligence, and multi-agent artificial intelligence using patented digital pheromones with patented unsupervised reinforcement learning systems. Markets targeted markets are IoT, IIoT, autonomous systems, sensors, & 5G communications.