MANET is a collection of computers, or nodes, participating and
cooperating in a computer network. Information is communicated between
nodes via a wireless link. There is a limited communications range
for each node, and each node has only a few neighbors. Neighbors
are nodes that can communicate directly. Nodes are assumed to be
mobile; nodes can move relative to each other. This mobility allows
the topology of the network to change dynamically. The network topology
can be represented as a graph of the links that exist between pairs
of nodes. Two nodes connected by a link may exchange information
directly; otherwise, they must find a path using intermediate nodes
to forward the information from the source to the destination.
ad-hoc networks are self-organized networks. Communication in ad-hoc
network does not require existence of a central base station or
a fixed network infrastructure. Each node of an ad-hoc network is
the destination of some information packets while at the same time
it can function as relay station for other packets to their final
destination. This multi-hop support in ad-hoc networks, which makes
communication between nodes outside direct radio range of each other
possible, is probably the most distinct difference between mobile
ad-hoc networks and wireless LANs. A mobile ad-hoc network may be
connected at the edges to the fixed, wired Internet. In this case,
mobile ad-hoc networks expand the present Internet and wireless
access to Internet.
networks represent a step forward in mobility, robustness, and availability
of computer communications. Users no longer need to be restricted
to a certain area in order to maintain a data link. They are allowed
to go where they please as long as they remain within range of another
participating node. Ad-hoc networks may be created and configured
in real time, without the need for installed infrastructure or system
administrator. This feature allows for a great deal of flexibility
in how MANETs are managed. The same amount of effort is needed to
create any size network.
sample applications for ad-hoc network include:
and Rescue: A search and rescue scenario generally exists in
a region that has little or no installed communications infrastructure.
This may be because all of the equipment was destroyed, or perhaps
because the region is too remote. Rescuers must be able to communicate
to make the best use of their energy and to maintain safety. By
automatically establishing a data network with the communications
equipment that the rescuers are already carrying, their job is made
Communications: The military is interested in MANET development
to enhance the networking capabilities of their forces. Battlefields
are generally located in areas with little installed or trusted
communications infrastructure. Ad-hoc networks may be established
quickly by diverse components of our advancing forces. An ad-hoc
communications network may be used to connect warfighters, manned
and unmanned vehicles, manned and unmanned aircraft, sensors, and
command posts so that timely and relevant information is available
to those who need it.
Networking: Civilian applications for MANETs include ubiquitous
computing. By allowing computers to forward data for others, data
networks may be extended far beyond the usual reach of installed
infrastructure. Networks may be made more widely available and easier
to use.
Networks: Sensor networks are composed of a very large number
of small sensors which can be used to detect any number of properties
of an area. Examples include temperature, pressure, toxins, pollutants,
etc. The capabilities of each sensor are very limited, and each
must rely on others in order to forward data to a central computer.
Individual sensors are limited in their computing capability and
are prone to failure and loss.
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